Friday, 11 January 2013

Exciting Opportunities to become a Town Councillor!

Exciting Opportunities to become a Town Councillor!

Date: Friday 21 December, 2012
Two opportunities are now available to become a Town Councillor.

Two notices of vacancies were recently advertised, providing electors from the Knockhall Ward and the Swanscombe Ward with 14 days to write to request a by-election be held to fill the vacancies. No such requests were forthcoming, entitling the Town Council to now fill the vacancies by co-option.
Written expressions of interest are now invited from local residents who wish to be considered as a prospective Town Councillor to fill the vacancies at either Knockhall Ward or Swanscombe Ward. The role of a Town Councillor is very varied and interesting and hugely rewarding given the size, strategic position and importance of the Town.
To be eligible as a Town Councillor you have to be:
A British, Commonwealth, or European Union citizen; over 18 and on the Electoral Register. In addition you must have lived, worked or occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in, or within three miles of, the parish for at least 12 months.

Statements should outline the skills, experience, commitment and knowledge that individuals would bring to the council to benefit the community of Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town. Statements should also clearly state which vacancy they are referring to, either Knockhall Ward or Swanscombe Ward.

Deadline for receipt of submissions is 8 February 2013. Interested parties will be invited to attend the Town Council meeting on 21 February 2013 at which a majority vote will take place to determine the co-opted member.
For more information about becoming a Town Councillor please call the Council Offices on 01322 385513 or visit the following website:-


  1. Dear GMRA members and casual readers living in Swanscombe & Greenhithe. We know that many of you have expressed some interest in standing but have voiced some serious reservations about this process. This is understandable, therefore we have asked the question and now await a reply from the Town Council. Watch this space!
    GMRA Admin.

  2. We have received the following helpful and prompt response from the Town Council:

    Dear Admin

    These vacancies have arisen due to resignations of 2 Town Councillors. The positions are available to anyone meeting the eligibility required.

    Yours sincerely,

    Graham Blew

    Town Clerk
    Swanscombe & Greenhithe Town Council | Council Offices |
    The Grove | Swanscombe | Kent | DA10 0GA.
    Tel: 01322 385513 | Fax: 01322 385849

    1. Hope this is not the case but word on the street or at least in the pubs suggest its a 'Done Deal' it seems the candidates have been preselected and, the Johnson's have it. Democracy at its finest!

    2. The answer to the question is 'NO' now what's your question? That seems to be the standing order of the day when it comes to getting your buddies onto the Town Council.

      GMRA Question: Can we have a list of candidates please?

      S&GTC Answer: No.

      Yours sincerely,

      Graham Blew

      Town Clerk
      Swanscombe & Greenhithe Town Council | Council Offices |
      The Grove | Swanscombe | Kent | DA10 0GA.
      Tel: 01322 385513 | Fax: 01322 385849

    3. There is some encouraging news apparently its not the Johnson's after all but it could be the Jackson's! Although this seems unlikely as a reported riff within the Swanscombe & Greenhithe Residents Association has seen Councilor Mark Jackson resign from the group. Cllr Jackson will remain as a an independent Councillor meaning the Casual Vacancies x2 by Co-option will most likely see Cllr Peter Harman's wife Josephine Harman from Greenhithe, appointed to represent Knockhall Ward and not, Garry Jackson from Swanscombe. Similarly former Town Mayor Annette Harvey is thought to be favorite to represent Swanscobme Ward which is also being contested by Garry Jackson. Democracy works in strange-ways...

    4. Big Welcome from GMRA to 2 new Councillors who have been co-opted on to the Town Council to represent both the Knockhall and Swanscombe Wards.

      As predicated, and following the recent resignations of 2 Town Councillors the standing Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council on Thursday 21 February 2013 formally elected Mrs Josephine Harman of Greenhithe to fill the vacancy at Knockhall Ward and Mrs Annette Harvey of Swanscombe to fill the vacancy at Swanscombe Ward.


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