Site 107: Land at Lower Road, Swanscombe |
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Site 107
Land at Lower Road, Swanscombe
4.11 This area of land has been put forward as a location for an energy
from waste facility. An estimated 20Mw of electricity would be produced from the gasification of
non-recyclable, commercial waste consisting of sorted and blended cardboard, paper, waste wood and
non-specific biomass material.
Strategic Environmental Assessment Summary
SA- There are no identified access issues to the the site, however, the proposed
operation needs to consider the nearby AQMA at Northfleet Industrial Estate. Use of the existing
derelict industrial land will help to minimise the impact on the local environment. There are a number
of designated nature areas within 1km of the site that need to be considered.
HRA- Given the distances of this facility from European sites it is likely that
the only potential impact pathway is if an Energy from Waste facility is brought forward. In that case
further assessment will be required in accordance with Environment Agency guidance.
Site Specific Considerations
Natural Environment | SPA, Ramsar, SSSIs, NNR and LWS within 1km but barriers mean they are unlikely to be a significant constraint. |
Heritage | Chalk Quarry is likely to have fully removed potential for finding remains. |
Highways | If the proposal is granted permission, a contribution should be sought for traffic signal control at the Manor Way/ A226 London Road junction. |
Hydrogeology | In Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3 and within Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3. |
Type of Waste | Non-recyclable commercial waste in the form of sorted and blended cardboard, paper, waste wood and non-specific biomass. |
The site consists of previously developed land. In combination with the other
allocated sites, this site will provide sufficient capacity to meet the need for new EfW capacity set
out in the MWDF. Sufficient details have been submitted about the proposed development such that it can
be demonstrated that the facility will be delivered within a time frame to fit the requirements of the
Core Strategy.
Copyright 2013 Kent County Council |
Site 107: Land at Lower Road, Swanscombe
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Debbie Salmon (ID: 322943) , Kent Wildlife Trust
This site is situated within the Thameside Green Corridors BOA the peninsular has been included in the mapping due to its possible national importance for rare invertebrates. We raised concerns regarding this site during the Issues and Options stages however having consulted entomologists familiar with the site we can confirm that this site does not contain habitat known to be of importance to these species. We therefore do not object to allocation of this site.
There are opportunities for this site and Site 99 of the Minerals Sites DPD to recreate habitat for invertebrates through green infrastructure and green roofs and help to deliver the BOA target 4.
Protect and manage the most significant brownfield sites, and ensure the long-term survival of their important wildlife, including UK BAP Priority invertebrates. Incorporate and seek to deliver the relevant targets in the national Habitat Action Plan for Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land, as these are developed.
We have discussed the invertebrate issue with Lafarge as part of the Dartford LDF process and prepared a Statement of Common Ground. There are opportunities to contribute to a landscape scale project for both these sites in cooperation with development proposed within the Dartford LDF process. We recommend that clauses are written into site policies for both the above sites to increase and extend the habitat for these important species.
Mrs Mary Bassendine (ID: 613150) , Friends of the Earth Sevenoaks Group
Site 107 is near an AQMA.
Mr G Simpkin (ID: 660329)
Ace Car Breakers occupy a site immediately to the north of Site 99 identified for the production of secondary and recycled aggregates and to the west of Site 107 identified for an energy from waste plant. It is considered that the whole area up to Manor Way to include the whole of the Ace Car Breakers site should be identified for waste management uses. It would seem to be an ideal site for such uses due to the physical separation from the nearby community of Swanscombe afforded by the quarry face.
Mr Paul Cuming (ID: 485429) , Kent County Council
Potential impact on Listed Building needs to be recognised, assessed and mitigated
Mr Paul Buckley (ID: 548307) , Dartford Borough Council
Dartford Core Strategy Policy CS7 ‘Employment Land and Jobs’ protects existing employment areas, including Manor Way Business Park, for B1, B2, B8 and A2 uses. The proposed use does not comply with this policy.
Paper and cardboard waste is declining. KCC is looking to dispose of material such as waste wood at the Allington incinerator. It is therefore questionable if there will be sufficient locally sourced material to supply the facility. Material will have to be brought in from a wide catchment, primarily out of County. Transport of the feed stock over long distances by road is not sustainable. The preferred location on the Swanscombe Peninsula would enable water transport of the materials.